Kinder- und Elterntanz (Deutsch/Englisch)

Kinder- und Elterntanz

Tuesday from 15:15 to 16:00 (English-German)

About the course:

For children from 2 to 4 years old.

The family dance classes are a space for parents and children to meet through music and movement, with the aim of strengthening family bonds through body language, including playful activities for adults and children.

In each class we work on the basic concepts of movement and dance, as well as rhythm, communication and body recognition. Activities based on play, contact, improvisation and music are included, as well as moments and exercises for relaxation.

The class is in English and German.

Price: 50€/Month.
Trial class: 15 euros (one time) if you come with a friend, the trial class is 20 euros for both of you.

Registration: Trial class

Where: Musikschule tuCanto Berlin - Neukölln, Nogatstr. 26, 12051 Berlin


Dienstags, 15:15– 16:00 Uhr (Englisch/Deutsch)

In unserem Familien-Tanzkurs lernen Eltern und Kinder die grundlegenden Konzepte von Bewegung und Tanz, Rhythmus, Kommunikation und Körperwahrnehmung. Gemeinsam machen wir Übungen, die auf Spiel, Kontakt, Improvisation und Musik basieren und stärken damit die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung. Neben der Bewegung gibt es auch Momente und Übungen zum Entspannen.

Für Kinder von 2 bis 4 Jahren.

Preis: 50 EUR monatlich (Probeteilnahme: einmalig 15 EUR).Wenn du noch einen Freund oder eine Freundin mitbringst, dann kostet die Probestunde für euch zusammen nur 20 Euro.

ANMELDUNG: Probestunde buchen

Wo: Musikschule tuCanto Berlin Neukölln - Nogatstr. 26, 12051 Berlin.



Gloria Madas is a flamenco dancer with more than 10 years of experience dancing and teaching children and adults. Her passion is dancing, music, and teaching. She has studied flamenco with prominent artists from Spain and Latin America and has trained in the flamenco dance studio of the great dancer Úrsula López in Seville. He has performed as a soloist and in groups in Chile, Argentina, Seville, and Berlin. As a teacher, she stands out for her desire to share her knowledge, tools, and experiences with patience and dedication so that each person masters the techniques and body awareness necessary to develop and enjoy dance.